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  • Oracle 11g: Developing Program Units培训
    Oracle 11g: Developing Program Units培训
    1. Oracle Database 11g: Subprograms, Packages, and Exception Handling in PL/SQL
    Benefits of modularized and layered subprogram design
    Creating and calling procedures and passing parameters
    Handling exceptions in procedures and dropping procedures
    Creating and invoking functions
    Using SQL Developer to debug PL/SQL subprograms
    Benefits and components of a package and the steps for creating one
    Create a package specification and package body in a given scenario and invoke the package''s constructs
    2. Oracle Database 11g: Packages, Dynamic SQL, and Coding Considerations in PL/SQL
    Overloading subprograms, using forward declarations, writing package initialization blocks, and maintaining persistent package state
    Using the Oracle-supplied packages DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE, and UTL_MAIL
    Using Oracle-supplied packages to generate a simple Web page and schedule PL/SQL code for execution
    Constructing and executing SQL statements at run time, using Native Dynamic SQL (NDS) statements in PL/SQL
    Alter a package so that it contains overloaded subprograms, use an Oracle-supplied package, and execute dynamic SQL in a given scenario
    Designing packages so that code is easy to maintain, efficient, and readable, and so that PL/SQL applications perform better
    Binding whole arrays of values in a single operation and retrieving information about a row affected by a SQL operation
    3. Oracle Database 11g: Using Triggers, the PL/SQL Compiler, and Managing Code
    Creating and using database triggers
    Enabling, disabling, testing, managing, and removing database triggers
    Creating and using compound, DDL, and event database triggers
    Create statement and row triggers, including a trigger for a business rule and a package with triggers that resolve a mutating table issue
    Benefits and capabilities of the PL/SQL compiler and its parameters
    Using the PL/SQL compiler initialization parameters, compiling a procedure, and managing compiler warnings
    4. Oracle Database 11g: Managing PL/SQL Code and Dependencies
    Selectively including PL/SQL source code by using conditional compilation and for wrapping a PL/SQL unit
    Predicting how changing a database object affects procedures and functions by tracking procedural dependencies
    Managing remote dependencies and recompiling a PL/SQL program unit
    Use conditional compilation, wrap PL/SQL code, and manage dependencies in a given scenario




















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