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3、推荐机会。 |
课程大纲 |
AN65CN:PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Migration培训
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Migration培训
This course will provide you with information on the latest PowerHA SystemMirror release and the skills necessary to migrate to that release. The course will also provide you an opportunity to work with the new menu structure to perform system administration tasks.
This course for the system architect or system administrator responsible for upgrading a cluster to PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1
This intermediate course is intended for students who are experienced PowerHA or HACMP system administrators who are responsible for the planning and execution of a PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 upgrade.
This course will focus on the new features of PowerHA 7.1, including requirements and migration options for migrating from PowerHA 5.5 to PowerHA 7.1. Having completed this course, students should be able to do the following:
Understand the new features of PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1
Plan a migration to PowerHA 7.1
Prepare the existing cluster environment for migration to PowerHA 7.1
Migrate a cluster to PowerHA 7.1 using three methods
Use the new menu structure in PowerHA 7.1 to perform system administration tasks.
Unit 1: PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1: Features
Exercise 1: Creating PowerHA 5.5 cluster
Unit 2: Migration considerations and requirements
Exercise 2: Upgrading AIX and preparing for PowerHA 7.1
Unit 3: Migration options and migrating to PowerHA 7.1
Exercise 3: Migrating to PowerHA 7.1
Unit 4: Configuration and administration in PowerHA 7.1
Exercise 4: Configuration and administration in PowerHA 7.1