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- GWNSURF(Surface Modeler)使用同样强大的引擎驱动GWNDTM数字地形模型。GWNSURF可以在具有多种平台(DOS,Windows 3.X/95/NT)的MicroStation和AutoCAD中运行。所有软件均采用开放式架构编写,允许用户修改和定制产品以满足其特定要求。GWNSURF还在运行GWNSURF时为用户提供全系列的MicroStation和AutoCAD命令以及菜单选项。
- WNGWNSURF基于一系列集成的基于微软的软件模块,这些软件模块共同为许多工程,测量和测绘学科的苛刻用户提供强大的交互式轮廓测绘和设计功能,满足土木工程的需求。SurfaceModeler在工业上与数字地形模型(GWNDTM)一样强大,使用相同的引擎,并提供许多相同的功能,为项目经理提供协助,已跟踪许多项目。然后,项目经理 可以让用户轻松访问将项目文件放在任何驱动器上,从而提供数字文件组织的功能方法。
- GWNSURF用户可以使用现有地形模型和等高线图或建立自己的地形模型。可以从仍和角度以动态2D或3D格式查看地形模型的可视化。它允许用户利用垂直夸大比例因子更容易地显示所生成的地标模型差异。GWNSURF允许用户通过定义的增量创建轮廓,选择线粗细/颜色/颜色条带,在用户定义的走廊内平滑/去除轮廓的能力以及在上方,下方或上方标记轮廓。在轮廓线中(用户定于的文本字体或大小、颜色),地形模型可以从各种数据创建,可以进行多边形化和剪裁。可以查询和覆盖地形模型。可以创建对齐。可以生成配置文件的图形表示。
- GWNSURF提供了体积计算,坡度面积和流域,面积分析的地对地方法。可以通过投影到表面来生成垫肩设计。线性元件可以沿焊盘设计驻留,以建立额外的数据点,以进行更精确的体积计算。可以自动生成卷报告。
- 英文介绍
- GWNSURF is an ideal application for surface modeling and mapping projects. GWNSURF is a world class surface modeling package, with advanced contouring, profiling and slope analysis capabilities. GWNSURF is available as an AutoDesk or MicroStation addon providing a lowcost surface modeling application option which runs inside AutoCAD or MicroStation. GWNSURF can be used to visualize terrain models in dynamic 3D or 2D format, including vertical exaggeration scaling for better differentiation. It also provides powerful features for volume calculations and slope and drainage area analysis. With GWNDTM users can also analyze specific features, evaluate cut and fill and design powerful presentations.
- Use of the unique GIS Quadtree approach ensures GWNSURF is able of processing an unlimited number of data points with minimal system requirements. Clients have reported using GWNSURF to complete calculations of over 1,000,000 points in a single file with no delays or "bogging down" of computer.
- GWNSURF (Surface Modeler) utilizes the same powerful engine that drives the GWNDTM—Digital Terrain Model. GWNSURF can be operated in MicroStation and AutoCAD with a multitude of platforms. GWNSURF also gives users the full range of MicroStation and AutoCAD commands and menu options while running GWNSURF.
- GWNSURF (Surface Modeler) utilizes the same powerful engine that drives the GWNDTMÑDigital Terrain Model. GWNSURF can be operated in MicroStation and AutoCAD with a multitude of platforms (DOS, Windows 3.x/95/NT). All software is written with open architecture which lets users modify and customize the products to suit their specific requirements. GWNSURF also gives users the full range of MicroStation and AutoCAD commands and menu options while running GWNSURF.
- GWNSURF is based on a series of integrated microbased software modules which together in this software package provide powerful interactive contour mapping and design capabilities for civil engineering requirements to demanding users of many engineering, survey and mapping disciplines. This Surface Modeler is as industrially strong as the Digital Terrain Model (GWNDTM), uses the same engine, and provides many of the same features, giving a Project Manager assistance in keeping track of many projects. The Project Manager can then allow the user easy access in placing project files on any drive (YES! even network drives), providing a functional method of digital file organization.
- GWNSURF users can use existing terrain models and contour maps or build their own terrain models. Visualization of terrain models can be viewed in dynamic 2D or 3D format from any point of view. It allows users to utilize a vertical exaggeration scaling factor to more easily visualize differences in ground surface models generated. GWNSURF allows creation of contours by userdefined increments (English or Metric), choice of contour line thickness/color/color banding, the ability to smooth/weed contours within a userdefined corridor and label contours either above, below or in the contour line (userdefined text font/size/color). Terrain models can be created from a variety of data which can be polygonized and clipped. Terrain models can be queried and draped. Alignments can be created. Graphical presentations of profiles can be generated. Slope analysis can be produced.
- GWNSURF offers a surfacetosurface method of volumetric calculation, slope area and drainage area analysis. Pad shoulder designs can be generated with projection to surface. Linear elements can be stationed along the pad design for establishing extra data points for more accurate volumetric calculations. Volume reports can be automatically generated.
- GWNSURF Specifications and Features
- Version
- 2.x.x
- Platform
- MicroStation
- AutoCAD
- System
- PC, HP9000, Sun Sparc, Japanese NEC
- Installed size
- Under 3 MB (Including Demo files)
- System Requirements
- 8 MB RAM minimum
- Math coprocessor
- Interface
- Pulldown menus
- Dialogue boxes
- Command line input
- Sidebar menu
- Method of Input
- Keyboard
- Digitizer / Mouse
- UserDefinable Settings
- Feature attributes
- Predefining text and graphic attributes
- Types of report generation (files, screen)
- Themes are templatebased and can be easily added or edited to manage any application
- Data Management
- Performs automatic data import to create new themes and templates from existing data
- Data can be viewed/edited based on graphic feature selection
- Thirdparty applications and command line options can be linked to graphic features and coverages (raster viewers, text editors, etc.)
- ADE compatible linkage with ASE conversion utilities (AutoCAD)
- Data Integrity
- Accessible industrystandard database format files (dBASEIII, dBASEIV, FOXPRO, PARADOX, ORACLE, INFORMIX)
- Graphic linkage verification
- Annotation
- Featurebased text attributes
- Automated labeling
- Querying
- Accepts graphic and SQL query selection criteria
- SQLbased query language
- Store and retrieve custom queries
- Dialoguebased query builder
- Standard browse and edit utilities
- Active query results are maintained between work sessions
- An additional high speed dBASE server is provided for the MicroStation 4.0 version
- Query Results
- Results can be manipulated as follows:
- labeled
- colored
- patterned
- hatched
- moved
- copied
- deleted
- extruded
- located
- Manual
- Index and Glossary
- Detailed information for each command with examples
- Tutorial section
- Detailed information on Feature Table settings
- Tutorials
- Complete theme data samples are provided (template, coverage, and database)
- Includes most pertinent GWNFM commands in a stepbystep format for a typical FM session