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Review of Shell Fundamentals
Review of UNIX Commands
Using Unix Shells
Command line history and editing
The Korn and POSIX shells
The Bash shell
Command aliasing
The shell startup file
Shell environment variables
Redirection, Pipes and Filters
Standard I/O and redirection
Command separation
Conditional execution
Grouping Commands
UNIX filters
The tee command
Backup and Restore Utilities
Archive devices
The cpio command
The tar command
The dd command
Exercise: Backing up and restoring files using tar
Exercise: Backing up and restoring files using cpio
Background Job Scheduling
Starting background jobs
Background tasks and the nohup command
Process priorities and the nice command
Job control
Scheduling jobs with the at command
Scheduling jobs with the cron command
Exercise: Running background jobs
Regular Expression Notation
Regular expressions
Extended regular expressions
Searching Files for Patterns
The grep family of commands
The grep command
The fgrep command
The egrep command
Exercises: Search for patterns with grep and egrep
The Stream Editor - sed
Introduction and command line syntax
The sed program structure
sed program processing
Use sed commands
sed addresses
sed instructions
Hold and get functions
Advanced flow control
Exercises: Simple text processing with sed
Exercises: Create sed scripts to edit files
Commands for Comparing Files
Compare two files with the cmp command
Compare two files with the comm command
Compare two files with the diff and sdiff commands
Compare large files with the bdiff command
Exercise: Identifying file differences
File Manipulation Commands
The file command
The head command
The tail command
The cut command
The paste command
The pr command
The split and csplit commands
Exercises: Manipulate text with cut and paste
Exercises: Manipulate text with head and tail
Identify and Translate Characters
od - octal dump
Use cat to display non-printing characters
The expand and unexpand commands
The tr command
Exercises: Translating text files with tr
Exercises: Display non-printing characters
Sorting Files
The sort command
Specify sort keys with -k
Sort by column positions
The uniq command
Exercises: Sorting text files
Introduction to the Pattern Scanning Utility - awk
Introduction and command line syntax
The awk program structure
Use regular expressions
Simple patterns
Extended patterns
Special patterns (BEGIN and END)
Program variables
◦Built-in variables
◦User defined variables
Mathematical operators
Enhanced printing
Handling user variables
Exercises: Create simple awk scripts
Exercises: Create a simple awk script using variables
awk Program Control Structures
Program control structures
The if construct
The while and do ... while constructs
The basic for construct
Associative array handling
Functions ◦Built in functions
◦The system function
◦The getline function
◦User defined functions
Exercises: Create an awk script using an associative array
Exercises: Create an awk script using a for loop and if statement
Exercises: Create an awk script using functions