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- MicroSkyshine ®; 软件用于计算天空散射的γ 射线光子剂量。
- MicroSkyshine ®已用于10CFR50评估的一致性。典型的应用是确定BWR涡轮机建筑物,放射性废物储存和废物处理场所的散射。MicroSkyshine®的溶液分析法是基于使用“梁函数”为一个点源。这种方法是为NUREG / CR-0781(1979年5月)开发的,这是由NRC赞助的。
- 软件主要特点:
- 各种筒仓和墙壁几何形状。MicroSkyshine®接受名米,厘米,英尺或英寸三维数据
- 散射介质是空气,Berger方法用于计算顶部屏蔽中的累积。可以为此目的选择其中材料中的任何一种
- 包括放射性核素的库数据,衰减和累积
- 可以计算源衰减并生成子元素
- 可创建多达20个能源库(具备100 keV-10 MeV的能量范围);总浓度条自动转换为curies
- 通过MicroSkyshine执行所有计算,假设仓壁或垂直壁是完美的。也就是说,不穿透墙壁的辐射是无法计算的
- 几何包括
- 墙壁后面的点源
- 墙壁后面的水平线源
- 墙后面的水平矩形区域源
- 墙后面的水平圆形区域源
- 墙后面的垂直线源
- 墙后的垂直矩形区域源
- 墙后的垂直圆形区域源
- 墙后面的矩形体积源
- 墙后的垂直圆柱体积源
- 墙后面的水平圆柱形源
- 矩形外壳中的点源
- MicroSkyshine®增强软件功能:
- Microsoft Windows接口
- 完全交互式输入处理和输入错误检查
- 主菜单允许您创建,保存,加载,擦除和运行许多案例。您可以更改一个数据条目,而无需通过整个输入序列
- 批处理——可以在批处理模式下运行多个案例
- 灵敏度运行——可以检查几个参数以确定最终的剂量率
- 结果可以保存为文本,HTML , Microsoft Word和Microsoft Excel格式
- MicroSkyshine® V5包括
- 更新了所有几何图形
- 安装过程已经增强,现在兼容微软系统中心配置管理器
- 添加了检查更新功能,以允许用户检查最新更新
- 全面的Microsoft Windows 10的兼容性
- 增加了对微软新版本的兼容性 Excel和Word
- 系统要求
- Windows 10 ,8 /8.1 , 7 , Vista或XP
- Internet Explorer版本7及以上
- .NET Framework 1.1版或更高版本
- Word 2003 和Excel 2003或将结果保存到这些新的格式
- 【英文介绍】
- MicroSkyshine® calculates the photon dose from sky scattered gamma ray radiation.
- MicroSkyshine® has been used to evaluate conformance with:
- • 10CFR50, Appendix I ALARA requirements
- • 40CFR190 fuel cycle exposure criteria.
- Typical application would be to determine scattering from BWR turbine buildings, radwaste storage facilities, and waste disposal sites.
- MicroSkyshine’s® analytical method of solution is based on the use of “beam functions” for a point source. This method was developed for NUREG/CR-0781 (May 1979), which resulted from an NRC sponsored effort. However, MicroSkyshine® reflects the efforts of analysts at Kansas State University, who further improved the method.
- MicroSkyshine’s® Technical Features:
- 1.A variety of silo and wall geometries. MicroSkyshine® accepts dimensional data in meters, centimeters, feet, or inches.
- 2.The scattering medium is air, and the Berger method is used for calculating buildup in an overhead shield. Any one of seven materials can be selected for this purpose.
- 3.Library data for radionuclides, attenuation, and buildup are included.
- 4.Source decay can be calculated and daughters generated.
- 5.As many as twenty energy groups (with an energy range of 100 keV-10 MeV) may be created; total concentration entries are automatically converted to curies.
- 6.All calculations performed by MicroSkyshine® assume that the silo wall or vertical wall is a perfect shield; that is, radiation through the walls will not be calculated.
- Geometries Included:
- Point Source In A Silo
- Vertical Line Source In A Silo
- Vertical Cylinder Source In A Silo
- Point Source Behind A Wall
- Horizontal Line Source Behind A Wall
- Horizontal Rectangular Area Source Behind A Wall
- Horizontal Circular Area Source Behind A Wall
- Vertical Line Source Behind A Wall
- Vertical Rectangular Area Source Behind A Wall
- Vertical Circular Area Source Behind A Wall
- Rectangular Volume Source Behind A Wall
- Vertical Cylindrical Volume Source Behind A Wall
- Horizontal Cylindrical Source Behind A Wall
- Point Source In A Rectangular Enclosure
- MicroSkyshine® Enhanced Software Features:
- Microsoft Windows interface.
- Fully interactive input processing and input error checking.
- The main menu allows you to create, save, load, erase, and run many cases. You can change one data entry without having to pass through the entire input sequence.
- Batch Processing – Multiple cases can be run in Batch mode
- Sensivity Runs – Several parameters can be examines to determine the resulting dose rate.
- Results can be saved in text, HTML, Microsoft Word, and Excel formats.