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- 详尽的历史参数:ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977、1991年γ剂量转化系数
- 可用任何版本的Microsoft Office输出结论
- 高质量的报告输出
- 软件主界面新增法语和德语版
- Microsoft Windows® 10、8/8.1/、7、Vista®、XP® 完美兼容
- Microsoft ® Internet Explorer®版本7及以上
- 【英文介绍】
- MicroShield® V&V Version 10.0 is a complete update to the MicroShield® V&V software and documentation and includes the addition of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 74 and 116 absorbed dose rates as well as :
- Details of the historical ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977 and 1991 gamma dose conversion factors
- Microsoft Windows® 8 compatibility as well as Windows 7, Vista® and XP®
- Ability to export results using any version Microsoft Office®
- French and German versions of the main software interface
- Improved Reports
- Grove Software has a verification and validation (V&V) package available for MicroShield®.
- The overall purpose of the V&V package is to furnish documentation and software as an aid to users in their internal software qualification or verification and validation.
- The verification and validation package provides the following:
- 1. The V&V test plans and results for user records.
- 2. User may repeat the tests for comparison and further evidence.
- 3. Traceability for the nuclear and material data used in the program.
- 4. A means to exercise routines to verify that calculations are done properly.
- Specifically, the V&V package includes:
- The MicroShield® Validation Report. This report consolidates a myriad of information sources used over the years for development of MicroShield®, many of which would be difficult to find by users. It also shows the mathematical basis for all the calculations performed by the program. The report contains the V&V test plan and results and the user instructions for VNV.EXE (below). Historical test results are included in appendices for traceability and completeness.
- VNV.EXE – A program that independently exercises various MicroShield® processing routines and displays the data files that are provided. This software provides evidence that the internal workings of the program are being done correctly and allows independent verification.
- The V&V Package must be purchased separately from MicroShield®. The V&V package is sold as a Local Area Site License. A Wide Area Site License may also be purchased. The report and software may be copied within the organization site.