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☆课程大纲☆ |
Understanding “Brand”
- What is a “brand”?
- What is your company’s brand?
- What can I do to influence the strength of my company’s brand?
Basic Change Strategies
- The need for a company’s managers constantly to assess the current status of their part of the organisation – particularly when compared with its peers and competitors – and introduce pro-active (rather than re-active) changes
- The “STARS” model of Change Strategies and Planning
Change Management
- How / Why previous change has gone well?
- How / Why previous change has not gone well?
- Lessons to be learned from previous change initiatives (in your company and elsewhere)
- The 9 Change principles – and putting them into practice
- Lewin’s model of Change Implementation
- The Change Kaleidoscope
The Psychological Affects of change
- How am I feeling now? How are my colleagues felling now?
- How will I / they feel as a change process unfolds?
Customer / Stakeholder Relationships
- What is a Customer?
- What is a Stakeholder?
- How can I get the most from each Customer / Stakeholder interaction?
- The Service : Profit Chain
Financial Aspects of a Business
- Financial Statements:
- Balance Sheets
- Profit & Loss Accounts
- Financial Forecasts:
- Budgets
- Cash-Flow Forecasts
- Business Cases
Setting Objectives
- Vision / Mission Statements
- Objective Setting to meet deliver the Mission Statements
- Performance Management to exceed the agreed Objectives
Negotiating for Best Results
- Communication in Negotiation
- The importance of Effective Presentations
- Different Negotiating Strategies
- Comparing Strategies
- Building Rapport
- The 3-phase Negotiating Process