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- Visual HELP拥有先进的水文模拟技术,可用于垃圾填埋场设计、渗滤液运移聚集趋势预测、渗滤液向地下水中运移的可能性评估等。作为一款基于Windows的软件,Visual HELP可用于设计模型并评价模拟结果。
- 基于HELP的垃圾填埋场水文优化设计软件
- Visual HELP将新版本的HELP模型与操作简便的界面和强大的绘图功能结合起来,用于构建地下水模型并评价模拟结果。
- Visual HELP采用软件工程领域前沿的技术,并引入了许多新方法,用于:
- 项目可视化与管理
- 生成输入数据,展示模拟结果
- 实现模型间的数据共享
- 在完全一体化的模拟环境中,用户可以进行以下操作:
- 以图表形式创建填埋场不同区域的多个剖面图
- 可自动生成全球各地可靠的气象数据(或创建所在区域的数据)
- 运行复杂模型
- 以彩色、高分辨率的图像直观显示模拟结果
- 为报告提供总结性文档(表格和图表)
- 产品概况
- 主要特征
- Visual HELP地下水软件包拥有大量模拟工具和设计组件,帮助您实现专业可视化
- Visual Help界面
- 利用Visual HELP直观的界面结构和专业绘图工具,您可以灵活地选用HELP模型的基本功能和高级功能。
- 项目创建
- Visual HELP界面的逻辑结构帮助您迅速获得经验曲线,从而可在几分钟内生成并修改典型剖面图。
- SWS气象生成器
- 作为一个内置组件,SWS气象生成器可为您提供全球各地100年来的可靠气象统计数据。这一强大的工具采用的数据库涉及3000多家国际气象站,并包含各个地区的历史气象数据。
- 显示并证明模拟结果
- Visual HELP为您提供各种绘图工具,可帮助您正确分析和解释模拟结果,并获得质量报告图表和数据总结。
- Visual HELP模型结果
- 使用这个强大的图形工具可对每日、每月和每年的流量和体积进行报告。
- 模型结果包括时间序列数据并用于:
- 地表数据:地表存储、融雪、径流、入渗、蒸发、植被生长和土壤水分储存
- 地表下的数据:横向层排水、通过特定层渗流、通过土工膜内衬渗透物和在特定层的平均落差
- 地下水建模
- Visual HELP能够预测季节性对地下水补给率的影响,使它成为地下水流模型软件的优秀拍档产品,如Visual MODFLOW Premium。
- 直接输出流量数据(每日、每月或者年的格式)到Visual MODFLOW Premium中,说明特定场地变化的地下水补给率。现在,地下水专家可以用它来真正地提高地下水流量模型的可靠性和质量了。
- 应用范围
- 优化卫生填埋场的水文设计
- 评估填埋场内渗漏液的渗入率和入渗体积
- 评价填埋场防渗膜/防渗粘土的有效性
- 确定有效性的垃圾填埋场的上限,考虑边坡、植被和气候条件
- 预测用于Visual MDOFLOW的地下水补给率
- 产生统计学上可靠的气象数据
- 系统要求
- 奔腾处理器
- 32MB内存
- 25MB可用磁盘空间
- VGA显卡和鼠标
- Windows 2000/XP
- Visual HELP is the most advanced hydrological modeling environment available for designing landfills, predicting leachate mounding and evaluating potential leachate seepage to the groundwater table. Visual HELP combines the latest version of the HELP model (v.3.07) with an easy-to use interface and powerful graphical features for designing the model and evaluating the modeling results. This latest version of the HELP model addresses many of the limitations and bugs from earlier versions, and also includes several new analysis features.
- Visual HELP uses the latest technologies in software engineering to introduce many new methods for visualizing and managing your projects, generating input data, presenting modeling results, and sharing data between models.?The result is a powerful and easy-to-use modeling tool that makes hydrologic landfill modeling more practical and accessible than ever before!
- This completely-integrated modeling environment allows the user to:
- Graphically create several profiles representing different parts of a landfill
- Automatically generate statistically reliable weather data for virtually any location in the world (or create your own)
- Run complex model simulations
- Visualize full-color, high-resolution results
- Prepare a summary document (tables and graphs) for your report
- For professional applications in landfill design, Visual HELP is the only software package you will ever need!
- Visual HELP applications
- Landfill design and optimization:
- Simulate multiple landfill profiles to find the most suitable design
- Evaluate leachate mounding or leakage problems with current landfills
- Determine the effectiveness of landfill caps for reducing leachate mounding
- Design and optimize leachate collection systems
- Groundwater recharge estimation:
- Visual HELP has also proven to be an extremely valuable tool for accurately predicting seasonal groundwater recharge for periods of up to 100 years for use in MODFLOW models.? This seasonal recharge data has proven to significantly influence the vertical migration of contaminants through the unsaturated zone.
- About the HELP model
- The HELP model is a quasi-two-dimensional, deterministic, water-routing model for determining water balances.?The following is a description of the HELP model as derived from the HELP program reference manual:
- The HELP program was developed by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, MS for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, in response to needs in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, better known as Superfund) as identified by the EPA Office of Solid Waste, Washington, D.C.?The primary purpose of the model is to assist in the comparison of landfill design alternatives as judged by their water balances.
- The Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) model was developed to help hazardous waste landfill designers and regulators evaluate the hydrologic performance of proposed landfill designs.? The model accepts weather, soil and design data and uses solution techniques that account for the effects of surface storage, snowmelt, runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, vegetative growth, soil moisture storage, lateral subsurface drainage, leachate recirculation, unsaturated vertical drainage, and leakage through soil, geomembrane or composite liners.?Landfill system including various combinations of vegetation, cover soils, waste cells, lateral drain layers, low permeability barrier soils, and synthetic geomembrane liners may be modelled.? Results are expressed as daily, monthly, annual and long-term average water budgets.
- The original version of the HELP model was first developed at WES in 1984 (Schroeder et al., 1984a and 1984b).?Since then there have been many advances in the technology and scope of the model and many of the defects in the code have been corrected.?The latest version of the HELP model is version 3.07 which contains many significant improvements and enhancements over the previous versions.?The following is a brief outline of the enhancements that have been made since Version 2 of the HELP model (Schroeder et al., 1988a and 1988b).
- The number of layers that can be modeled has been increased
- The default soil material texture list has been expanded to contain additional waste materials, geomembranes, geosynthetic drainage nets and compacted soils
- The model now permits the use of customized soil textures
- Computations of leachate recirculation and groundwater drainage into the landfill have been added
- Leakage through the geomembranes due to manufacturing defects (pinholes) and installation mishaps (tears and punctures) is accounted for.
- Estimation of surface runoff has been improved to account for large landfill surface slopes and slope lengths
- The snow-melt model has been replaced with an energy-based model
- The Priestly-Taylor potential evapotranspiration model has been replaced with a Penman method that incorporates wind and humidity effects as well as long-wave radiation heat losses
- A frozen soil model has been added to improve infiltration and evapotranspiration predictions in cold regions
- The unsaturated vertical drainage model has also been improved to aid in storage computations