班.级.规.模.及.环.境--热.线:4008699035 手.机:15921673576( 微.信.同.号) |
每个班级的人数限3到5人,互动授课, 保障效果,小班授课。 |
上间和地点 |
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦 最近开间(周末班/连续班/晚班):2018年3月18日 |
实.验.设.备 |
◆小班教学,教学效果好 ☆注重质量☆边讲边练 ☆合格学员免费推荐工作 ★实.验.设.备请点击这儿查看★ |
质.量.保.障 |
1、免费重修; 2、课程结束后,授课老师留联系方式,保障培训效果,免费技术支持。 3、推荐机会。☆合格学员免费颁发相关工程师等资格证书,提升职业资质。专注高端技术培训15年,曙海学员的能力得到大家的认同,受到用人单位的广泛赞誉,曙海的证书受到广泛认可。 |
部份程大纲 |
- Introduction to System Modelling
What is a system model?
The four pillars of system modelling
Model centric vs document centric
What is SysML?
Relationship between SysML and UML
The four pillars of SysML
Common and Crosscutting Constructs
Profiles, stereotypes and tags
Diagram frames
Package Diagrams
What is a package?
Structuring the model with packages
Package containment
Package dependencies
Representing the model structure
Views and viewpoints
Requirement Diagrams
What is a requirement?
Modelling atomic requirements
Requirement traceability
Use Case Diagrams
The system as a black box
Identifying the system boundary with actors
Use cases as system services
Behind the use case diagram
Use case structure · Nominal and alternative scenarios
Handling common behaviour
Extended and specialised behaviour
Activity Diagrams
Modelling flow-based logic
Actions vs activities
Understanding token flow
Control flow vs object flow
Modelling decisions · Modelling concurrency
Swimlanes and responsibility
Block Definition Diagrams
What is a block?
Block features
Modelling types
Modelling system hierarchy
Generalising system elements
Internal Block Diagrams
Parts revisited
Ports with Flow Properties
Standard ports and interfaces
Proxy ports and interface blocks
Full ports
Parametric Diagrams
What is a constraint block?
Constraining system properties
Sequence Diagrams
Interaction-based behaviour
Simple sequences
Synchronous vs asynchronous
Fragment nodes
Interaction use nodes
State Machine Diagrams
States and their syntax
Transitions between states
Pseudo state notation (initial, decision, history, end)
Decomposing states
Modelling concurrent states
System Modelling Resources and Further Reading
Suggested web resources
Recommended literature