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dba mysql课程培训
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·MySQL Overview, Products,Services

·MySQL Enterprise Services

·Supported Operating Services

·MySQL Certification Program

·Training Curriculum Paths

·MySQL Website

·Installing MySQL

·Installing the 'world' Database

2、MySQL Architecture

·Client/Server Architecture

·MySQL Architecture Overview

·How MySQL Uses Disk Space

·How MySQL Uses Memory

·The MySQL Plug-In Interface

3、The MySQL Server

·Types of MySQL Distributions

·Starting and Stopping MySQL on Windows

·Starting and Stopping MySQL on Linux

·Upgrading MySQL

·Managing Multiple Servers

4、Configuring the MySQL Server

·MySQL Configuration

·Dynamic Server Variables

·Server SQL Modes

·Log and Status Files

·Binary Logging

5、MySQL Clients

·Overview of Administrative Clients

·Invoking MySQL Client Programs

·Using the mysql Client

·The mysqladmin Client

·MySQL Connectors

·Third-Party APIsof Data Types


·Data Types

·Numeric Data Types

·Character String Data Types

·Binary String Data Types

·Temporal Data Types


·Column Attributes


·Metadata Access Methods



·The mysqlshow Command

8、Storage Engines

·Storage Engine Overview

·MyISAM, InnoDB, and MEMORY Storage Engines

·Other Storage Engines

·Choosing Appropriate Storage Engines

·Using Multiple Storage Engines

·Storage Engine Comparison Chart


·Overview of Partitioning and reasons for using Partitioning Creating a Partitioned Table

·Obtaining Partition Information

·Modifying and Removing Partitions

·Partition Modification Performance Effects

·Partition Pruning

·Storage Engine Partition Information

·Partitioning and Locking and Limitations

10、Transactions and Locking


·Transaction Control statements

·Isolation Levels


11、Security and User Management

·Security Risks

·Security Measures


·User Account Maintenance

·Client Access Control

·Using Secure Connections

12、Table Maintenance

·Table Maintenance

·SQL Statements for maintenance operations

·Client and Utility Programs for table maintenance

·Table Maintenance per Storage Engine

13、Exporting and Importing Data

·Exporting and Importing Data

·Exporting and Importing Data Using SQL

·Import Data with the SQL scripts

14、Programming with MySQL

·Defining, Executing and Examining Stored Routines

·Stored Routines and Execution Security

·Defining, Creating, and Deleting Triggers

·Trigger Restrictions and Privileges

·Defining Events

·Schedule Events

·DBA's Use of MySQL Programming

·Backup Stored Routines


·What is a view?

·Creating Views

·Updatable Views

·Managing Views

16、Backup and Recovery

·Planning for Recovery Backup

·Backup Tools Overview

·Making Raw Backups

·Making Logical (Text) Backups

·Backup Log and Status Files

·Replication as an Aid to Backup

·Backup Method Comparison

·Data Recovery

17、Introduction to Performance Tuning

·Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries

·General Table Optimizations

·Setting and Interpreting MySQL Server Variables

18、Introduction to High Availability

·MySQL Replication

  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................