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Definition of BPM for an Agile Enterprise
Place of the OMG's BPMN 2.0 in this context
Elements of the BPMN 2.0
Basic Notions
Process and Collaboration Diagrams,
Participants : Pool, Lane
Diagram repartition on the basis of abstraction levels
Process, Sub-Process, Activity, Task
Events and Gateways typology,
Connectors, Message Flows, Data Objects,
Best Practices,
Case Study : Model the Business Process and establish the corresponding bridge toward an Organised Process
Advanced Elements using BPMN 2.0
BPMN 2.0 advanced concepts
Choreography, Collaboration and Conversation Diagrams,
Detailed events and gateway typologies,
Interruption Management, Incident Management,
Multi-instance Elements,
Transaction and Compensation,
Workflow Patterns,
Case Study : Update the previous diagrams considering Interruption and Compensation mechanisms
Simulate and Execute BPMN Models
Process Models Simulation,
Correspondences BPMN and UML,
BPMN tools,
Business Analysis Monitoring (BAM),
Case Study : Check for the previous business process correctness and adjust them
Steps of an efficient BPMN and Resource Modeling,
Key Elements of the BPMN within Zachman frameworks,
Using BPMN for SOA
Evolution Management : the Roadmap
Notice : The above training-mentoring sessions are conducted interactively using Business Modeling tools in order to ensure good level of traceability between business specifications and their execution. Concepts are first explained using basic examples and are then followed by solution drafts to your own problems. After this session, we can accompany you by reviewing and validating your solutions depending on your needs.




  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................