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课程大纲 |
- Introduction
- Overview of sequencing
- Methods used for sequencing in App- V
Sequencing a web-based application
Creating a Virtual Environment for the application
Sequencing an application that hard codes its install to the C:\ drive
Performing an Open for Package Upgrade on an existing package
Building scripts into an .OSD file
- Merging and Overriding
Overriding a local key
Merging with a local key
Overriding a local directory
Merging with a local directory
- Microsoft Office in App-V
Understanding different versions of Office
Developing an Office package for App-V using Office Deployment Tool
Steps used in publishing the developed Office package
Customization and management of the App-V packages
- Comparing VFS to PVAD
Use of Primary Virtual Application Directory (PVAD) in sequencing
How VFS and PVAD are different in a virtual environment
How PVAD can be accessed even if it hidden from view
- Deploying and Testing Power-Shell
Downloading and installation of the App-v server components
Procedures that are followed in the deployment of the power-shell
Common steps followed to test the deployed power-shell
- Understanding Run-Virtual in App-V
A sub-key is added to the run-virtual
Acquisition of an AppvClientPackage Power-Shell cmdlet
Use /appvpid:<PID> command line
Make use of the /appvve:<GUID>
- Patch and Updates in App-V
Description of what patches and updates are
Understanding Hot-fix 8 for App-V 5.1
How Hot-fix 8 is used for updating purposes
- Use of scripts in App- V
More information on script-launcher
Problems associated with app-v scripting solution
Installation of a script- launcher supporting environment
Description of the different types of scripts
- Automating conversion to App-V
Amount of time taken to convert should be considered
The cost that is incurred is of importance also
Techniques that can be used to convert in the future
- Accelerators in App- V packages
Description of package accelerators
Steps in creating a package accelerator
- Dynamic Configuration
Configuring the user files
Configuring the deployment files
- Advanced Connection Groups
The function of the configuration group file and where it is found
A layout of the connection group file
Configuration of packages in a connection group
Connection groups that are virtually supported
- Advanced Client Integration
Description of what client integration in App-V is
How integration is achieved in the App- V
The importance of having the client integration in App-V
- Troubleshooting App-V
Avoiding rabbit holes
Combining different areas of knowledge: foundational, operational, contextual
Using Process Monitor to troubleshoot
Troubleshooting the App-V client
Troubleshooting the OSD file
- Client Debugging
Regular training of the customer care on the functions of the App-V
Repairing a package
Cleaning up of the connection group
Understanding the client logs in the App- V
- Package Optimisers in App- V
Understanding what package optimisation is
What is done to achieve space optimisation
What is done to achieve performance optimisation
- Best Practices
- Summary and Conclusion