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课程大纲 |
- Oriented programming interfaces
Modeling and programming based on the interfaces idea
Problems solved by the programming-oriented interfaces
Component-oriented programming
The role of the components in the web application model, the introduction of the concept of POJO objects as objects performing the function of the components in the web application
Design Pattern Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
Pattern of inversion Control and its variants
Dependency Injection, IoC container
Declarative as dependencies between the components of a web application
Architectural Overview Spring
Spring application context-a and its role as an IoC container.
How to realize the function of an application framework?
Where begins the life cycle of a web application based on Spring?
Is it possible to use the Spring IoC container in your application not necessarily site?
The configuration files
Dependency Injection declaratively through XML files that define how the creation and application components imparting
The dependencies between components
File format description of the components and examples of Spring dependency injection
Factory components and its use
Mapping the components defined in the description file dependency injection and how to implement the injection mechanism by Spring plant components
Distinction between the components of a singleton and prototype
Component life cycle and identification of components
Component life cycle
Component identification
Programming in Spring AOP
Aspect-Oriented Programming (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Declarative mapping application aspects in the design and definition of the intersection points
Introduction to Spring AOP and application examples
MVC Spring-a
Discussion of abstraction controllers and views Spring Framework and examples of applications most of them. Introduction to the idea of the model, view and controller Spring applications
Create an application using Spring MVC
Standard controllers and managers view the Spring web application
Wiring properties model with a view and vice versa
Introduction to the issue of trade and sustainability components
Transaction management (especially Java EE)
Transaction manager
Light framework and persistence
Spring transaction management mechanism
Light Spring Framework transaction manager
Spring mechanisms for managing transactions
Mapping of table rows for POJO objects using Spring
Use of data access methods Spring Framework to create database queries
To define the data access
Create Data Access Objects (DAO)
Implementation and use DAO to stabilize application components