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1:Siemens PLM General Motors (Engine Design) Video Case Study
2:Immersive Virtual Reality in STAR-CCM+ - Video
3:Introducing Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Version 13 - Video
4:STAR-CCM+ Discover Better Designs Faster - Video
5:STAR-CCM+ Land Rover BAR - Video
6:STAR-CCM+ Licensing - Video
7:STAR-CCM+ Support - Video
8:STAR-CCM+ Why our Customers Choose STAR-CCM+ - Video
9:Simcenter Automotive - Electric Powertrain Innovation - Recorded Webinar
10:Simcenter Automotive - Electrified Vehicles Thermal Management of Li-Ion Batteries - Recorded Webinar
11:STAR-CCM+ 1D-3D Coupling - Recorded Webinar
12:STAR-CCM+ Aerospace - Design Exploration for ECS System Performance - Recorded Webinar
13:STAR-CCM+ Aerospace - Driving Innovation of Gas and Liquid-Fuel Combustors - Recorded Webinar
14:STAR-CCM+ Aerospace - Reducing Airport Noise - Recorded Webinar
15:STAR-CCM+ Automotive - Aerodynamics Simulation for WLTP Requirements - Recorded Webinar
16:STAR-CCM+ Automotive - Optimizing SCR Systems Performance - Recorded Webinar
17:STAR-CCM+ Automotive - Windshield DeIceDefog Performance - Recorded Webinar
18:STAR-CCM+ Better Thermal Management with 1D and 3D Tools - Webinar Recording
19:STAR-CCM+ Design Manager - Recorded Webinar
20:STAR-CCM+ Electronics - Best practices for Forced and Natural Convection Cooling - Recorded Webinar
21:STAR-CCM+ Electronics - Electronics Cooling Inverse Design - Recorded Webinar
22:STAR-CCM+ Electronics - Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Design - Recorded Webinar
23:STAR-CCM+ Electronics - Thermal Stress - Recorded Webinar
24:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Oil and Gas) - Simulation for Safe and Reliable Operations - Recorded Webinar
25:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Oil and Gas) - Simulation for Safety and Efficiency - Recorded Webinar
26:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Power Generation) - Improving Efficiency of Hydro Turbines - Recorded Webinar
27:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Power Generation) - Simulation of Complete Pump Systems - Recorded Webinar
28:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Process) - Achieving Operational Efficiency in High Temperature Processes - Recorded Webinar
29:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Process) - Optimizing Particulate FlowsCoupling DEM and CFD - Recorded Webinar
30:STAR-CCM+ Energy (Process) and Pharma - Admixtus for Mixing Applications - Recorded Webinar
31:STAR-CCM+ Improved Metal Temperature Prediction for Turbine Blade Design with Simulation - Webinar Recording
32:STAR-CCM+ Marine - Evaluating Ship Hull Performance in Realistic Sea Conditions - Recorded Webinar
33:STAR-CCM+ Marine - Production Type Ship Design Evaluation and Optimization - Recorded Webinar
34:STAR-CCM+ Marine - Turbulence Modeling and Implications for the Marine Industry - Recorded Webinar
35:STAR-CCM+ Marine - Vessel Design-A Paradigm Shift - Recorded Webinar
36:STAR-CCM+ Medical - Analyzing Operating Rooms & Aseptic Filling Processes - Recorded Webinar
37:STAR-CCM+ Medical - Medical Device Design - Recorded Webinar
38:STAR-CCM+ Medical - Microfluidics to Meet Critical Requirements - Recorded Webinar
39:STAR-CCM+ Medical Devices - How Simulation Impacts Respiratory Systems - Recorded Webinar
40:STAR-CCM+ Medical Devices and Pharma - Lyophilization Advancing Manufacturing Processes - Recorded Webinar
41:STAR-CCM+ Medical Devices and Pharma - Solving Drug Delivery Challenges - Recorded Webinar
42:STAR-CCM+ Multiphase Flow - Recorded Webinar
43:STAR-CCM+ Semiconductors - Improving Semiconductor Shower Head Performance - Recorded Webinar
44:STAR-CCM+ STAR-ICE - In-Cylinder Simulation - Recorded Webinar
45:STAR-CCM+ v12
46:STAR-CCM+ Virtual Product Development for Home Appliances - Webinar Recording
47:STAR-CD Automotive - In-Cylinder Analysis and Design Exploration - Recorded Webinar

  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................