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课程大纲 |
Module 1. Introducing the Infinispan data grid
Infinispan and JSR 107 – Java Temporary Caching API
Getting started with Infinispan
Installing Infinispan
Looking inside the box
Using Maven
Creating your first project
Setting up the environment
Module 2: Infinispan architecture
Anatomy of an Infinispan clustered cache
The embedded (P2P) mode
The client/server mode
The cache container
Default cache
Naming your caches
Module 3: Understanding Infinispan Topologies
Clustering modes
The local mode
The invalidation mode
The replicated mode
Understanding synchronous and asynchronous replication
The distribution mode
Server Hinting
L1 caching
Module 4. Configuring an Infinispan cache
Declarative configuration on Infinispan
Understanding the JGroups element
Configuring the threads subsystem
Configuring the cache-container element
Programmatic configuration
Infinispan APIs
Learning the cache API
Understanding cache evictions
Configuring cache expiration
Eviction v/s Expiration
Module 5. Persisting data in Infinispan
Configuring a cache loader
Filesystem-based cache loaders
JDBC-based cache loaders
JPA cache store
Selecting a JDBC cache loader
Using passivation in your application
Module 6. The role of Marshalling
Support for Non-Serializable Objects
Advanced configuration
Plugging Infinispan with User defined Externalizers
Module 7. Querying and indexes
The infinispan-query module
Cache modes and managing indexes
Sharing the index
Clustering the index in Infinispan
Rebuilding the index
Obtaining query statistics
Infinispan's Query DSL
Filtering operators
Boolean conditions
Nested conditions
Grouping and Aggregation
Module 8. Using HotRod Client
Installation and configuration
Using the API
Module 9. Use of Streams API
Common stream operations
Rehash aware
Parallel Computation
Task Timeout
Distributed Stream Execution
Key based rehash aware operators
Intermediate operation exceptions
Module 10: Understanding Transactions and Concurrency
Transaction fundamentals
Java Transaction API
Transactional modes
Non-transactional data access
Transactional models
Optimistic transaction
Pessimistic transaction
Choosing the better transaction model
Batch mode
Transaction recovery
Integrating with Transaction Manager
Locking and concurrency control
Multiversion concurrency control
Configuring isolation levels in Infinispan
Implicit and explicit locking
Lock timeouts
Deadlock detection
Data versioning
Module 11. Introducing Hibernate OGM
Hibernate OGM features
Hibernate OGM architecture
Understanding how the mappings work
Installing and using Hibernate OGM
Creating a Hibernate OGM project using Maven
Configuring the persistence unit
Configuring Infinispan caches for Hibernate OGM
Creating the domain model
Module 12. Understanding Cross site replication
Sample deployment
Data replication
Taking a site offline
State transfer between sites
Module 13. Looking to version 9
The news with version 9
Understanding the major changes
Upgrading path from 8.x to 9