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Cybersecurity Fundamentals培训

   班.级.规.模.及.环.境--热.线:4008699035 手.机:15921673576( 微.信.同.号)
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1.1 Knowledge of information assurance (IA) principles used to manage risks related to the use, processing, storage and transmission of information or data.
1.2 Knowledge of security management.
1.3 Knowledge of risk management processes, including steps and methods for assessing risk.
1.4 Knowledge of the organization’s enterprise information technology (IT) goals and objectives.
1.5 Knowledge of different operational threat environments (e.g., first generation [script kiddies], second generation [non-nation state sponsored] and third generation [nation state sponsored]).
1.6 Knowledge of information assurance (IA) principles and organizational requirements that are relevant to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudiation.
1.7 Knowledge of common adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) in assigned area of responsibility (e.g., historical country-specific TTPs, emerging capabilities).
1.8 Knowledge of different classes of attacks (e.g., passive, active, insider, close-in, distribution).
1.9 Knowledge of relevant laws, policies, procedures and governance requirements.
1.10 Knowledge of relevant laws, policies, procedures or governance as they relate to work that may impact critical infrastructure.
2.1 Knowledge of network design processes, to include understanding of security objectives, operational objectives and tradeoffs.
2.2 Knowledge of security system design methods, tools and techniques.
2.3 Knowledge of network access, identity and access management (e.g., public key infrastructure [PKI]).
2.4 Knowledge of information technology (IT) security principles and methods (e.g., firewalls, demilitarized zones, encryption).
2.5 Knowledge of current industry methods for evaluating, implementing and disseminating information technology (IT) security assessment, monitoring, detection and remediation tools and procedures, utilizing standards-based concepts and capabilities.
2.6 Knowledge of network security architecture concepts, including topology, protocols, components and principles (e.g., application of defence in depth).
2.7 Knowledge of malware analysis concepts and methodology.
2.8 Knowledge of intrusion detection methodologies and techniques for detecting host-and network- based intrusions via intrusion detection technologies.
2.9 Knowledge of defence in depth principles and network security architecture.
2.10 Knowledge of encryption algorithms (e.g., internet Protocol Security [IPSEC], Advanced Encryption Standard [AES], Generic Routing Encapsulation [GRE]).
2.11 Knowledge of cryptology.
2.12 Knowledge of encryption methodologies.
2.13 Knowledge of how traffic flows across the network (e.g., Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol [ITCP/IP], Open System Interconnection model [OSI]).
2.14 Knowledge of network protocols (e.g., Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol
3.1 Knowledge of computer network defence (CND) and vulnerability assessment tools, including open source tools, and their capabilities.
3.2 Knowledge of basic system administration, network and operating system hardening techniques.
3.3 Knowledge of risk associated with virtualizations.
3.4 Knowledge of penetration testing principles, tools and techniques (e.g., metasploit, neosploit).
3.5 Knowledge of network systems management principles, models, methods (e.g., end-to-end systems performance monitoring) and tools.
3.6 Knowledge of remote access technology concepts.
3.7 Knowledge of systems administration concepts.
3.8 Knowledge of Unix command line.
3.9 Knowledge of system and application security threats and vulnerabilities.
3.10 Knowledge of system lifecycle management principles, including software security and usability.
3.11 Knowledge of local specialized system requirements (e.g., critical infrastructure systems that may not use standard information technology [IT]) for safety, performance and reliability.
3.12 Knowledge of system and application security threats and vulnerabilities (e.g., buffer overflow, mobile code, cross-site scripting, Procedural Language/Structured Query Language [PL/SQL] and injections, race conditions, covert channel, replay, return-oriented attacks, malicious code).
3.13 Knowledge of social dynamics of computer attackers in a global context.
3.14 Knowledge of secure configuration management techniques.
3.15 Knowledge of capabilities and applications of network equipment including hubs, routers, switches, bridges, servers, transmission media and related hardware.
3.16 Knowledge of communication methods, principles and concepts that support the network infrastructure.
3.17 Knowledge of the common networking protocols (e.g., Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]) and services (e.g., web, mail, Domain Name System [DNS]) and how they interact to provide network communications.
3.18 Knowledge of different types of network communication (e.g., Local Area Network [LAN], Wide Area Network [WAN], Metropolitan Area Network [MAN], Wireless Local Area Network [WLAN], Wireless Wide Area Network [WWAN]).
3.19 Knowledge of virtualization technologies and virtual machine development and maintenance.
3.20 Knowledge of application vulnerabilities.
3.21 Knowledge of information assurance (IA) principles and methods that apply to software development.
3.22 Knowledge of risk threat assessment.
4.1 Knowledge of incident categories, incident responses and timelines for responses.
4.2 Knowledge of disaster recovery and continuity of operations plans.
4.3 Knowledge of data backup, types of backups (e.g., full, incremental) and recovery concepts and tools.
4.4 Knowledge of incident response and handling methodologies.
4.5 Knowledge of security event correlation tools.
4.6 Knowledge of investigative implications of hardware, operating systems and network technologies.
4.7 Knowledge of processes for seizing and preserving digital evidence (e.g., chain of custody).
4.8 Knowledge of types of digital forensics data and how to recognize them.
4.9 Knowledge of basic concepts and practices of processing digital forensic data.
4.10 Knowledge of anti-forensics tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPS).
4.11 Knowledge of common forensic tool configuration and support applications (e.g., VMWare, Wireshark).
4.12 Knowledge of network traffic analysis methods.
4.13 Knowledge of which system files (e.g., log files, registry files, configuration files) contain relevant information and where to find those system files.
5.1 Knowledge of new and emerging information technology (IT) and information security technologies.
5.2 Knowledge of emerging security issues, risks, and vulnerabilities.
5.3 Knowledge of risk associated with mobile computing.
5.4 Knowledge of cloud concepts around data and collaboration.
5.5 Knowledge of risk of moving applications and infrastructure to the cloud.
5.6 Knowledge of risk associated with outsourcing
5.7 Knowledge of supply chain risk management processes and practices

  备案号:沪ICP备08026168号 .(2014年7月11)...................
Cybersecurity Fundamentals培训学校