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3、推荐机会。 |
课程大纲 |
- Deploying Cloud Foundry
- Overview of Deploying Cloud Foundry
Create a Deployment Manifest for Cloud Foundry
Deploying Cloud Foundry using BOSH
Scaling Cloud Foundry
Log Drain Blacklist Configuration
Security Configuration for Consul
Deploying Community Services
Deploying Cloud Foundry on AWS
Setting up an AWS Environment for Cloud Foundry with BOSH AWS Bootstrap
Deploying BOSH on AWS
Customizing the Cloud Foundry Deployment Manifest Stub for AWS
Cloud Foundry Concepts
- Cloud Foundry Subsystems Overview
Cloud Foundry Components
Diego Architecture
Differences Between DEA and Diego Architectures
How the Diego Auction Allocates Jobs
Four Levels of High Availability
How Applications Are Staged
Understanding Application SSH
Orgs, Spaces, Roles, and Permissions
Cloud Foundry Security Stacks
Using Docker in Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry Glossary
Run and Troubleshoot Cloud Foundry
- Overview
Creating and Modifying Quota Plans
Cloud Foundry Logging
Configuring System Logging
Usage Events and Billing
Configuring SSH Access for Cloud Foundry
Monitoring and Testing Diego Components
Troubleshooting Cloud Foundry
Troubleshooting Applications
Troubleshooting Wardenized Services
Troubleshooting Diego for Windows
Administer Cloud Foundry
- Adding Buildpacks to Cloud Foundry
Managing Domains and Routes
Creating and Managing Users with the cf CLI
Creating and Managing Users with the UAA CLI (UAAC)
Getting Started with the Notifications Service
Application Security Groups
Feature Flags
Enabling IPv6 for Hosted Applications
Securing Traffic into Cloud Foundry